Volunteers make all the difference.

Volunteering at Rocklife is important and rewarding work. It requires dedication to Rocklife’s mission, commitment to volunteer responsibilities, and understanding of the importance of every task. There are a variety of ways to get involved.

Volunteer Today!



We host events throughout the year that include fundraisers, youth events, and family outings. Our events require dedicated volunteers to ensure events are impactful and run efficiently.

After School Programs

Monday-Friday our youth are provided with interactive afterschool activities, enrichment, and educational assistance. Programs typically run from 4pm-6pm. If you would like volunteer please contact us.

Summer Camps

Each year our program will hosts summer camps. Volunteers are heavily needed for activities, field trips, and enrichment. If you feel you have value to offer the next generation please reach out.


Sign up below to learn more.

All of our volunteers are required to complete a routine background check before working with youth. Some programs may also require training before getting started.

Get Involved

All volunteers are required to pass a background test to participate.